
By Jason Chalom 2014, Entelect Software
Under the MIT License
This will take some test json data and convert to xlsx using desired styling and formatting

to use a stream and not write to file, just use buildExcelDataFromJson and push where-ever its the base-64 string
always save as xlsx the other formats may not work correctly.

Styles must have headings
Styles all have arrays for each main object. This corresponds to specific worksheets
Sub-object arrays sometimes correspond to headings, or image number or cell locations.
cells have a ws prop which is the worksheet number, computer readable

custStyles are linked directly at the cell level

var xl = require('excel4node');
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
//var debugg = require('debug')('xcl');

var helper = require('../helpers.js');
var mrData = require('../mrData/mrData.js');
var excelData = require('./excelData.js');
var stylizer = require('./stylizer.js');

helper.log("Excel converter has started.");


var config;
var debug = false;

var exposed = {
  setConfig: setConfig,
  makeExcelDocument: makeExcelDocument
module.exports = exposed;

function setConfig(reports, styles, configuration) {
  if (configuration) {
    config = configuration;
    debug = config.debug;
  } else {
    config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("excel_export/config.json"));
    debug = config.debug;


Test Data

if (config.testData) {
  reports = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("" + config.dir + config.reportsFile));
  styles = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("" + config.dir + config.stylesFile));

if (config.fileWriter) {

Save directory for files

return config.dir + config.filename;

  return null;

function makeExcelDocument(reports, styleObj, file) {
  var wb = new xl.WorkBook();
  wb.debug = config.internalWbLibDebug;

  var dataCells = getJsonData(reports, styleObj);
  var worksheets = excelData.getWorksheets(wb, dataCells);

  helper.log("------------Raw Data Done------------");

  // run stylizer
  if (styleObj) {
stylizer.shazam(reports, styleObj, wb, worksheets, cells);
  } else {
helper.log("Styles Object is Empty."); //TODO JMC add try-catches

  if (config.fileWriter) {
console.log("file written.");
return null;

  helper.log("------------Response------------\n" + wb);
  return wb;

function makeExcelTimeTable(times, styles, file){
  var wb = new xl.WorkBook();
  wb.debug = config.internalWbLibDebug;

  var cells = {};
  cells.heading = []; = [];

  var worksheets = mrData.getWorksheets(wb, reports, styleObj, cells);

  helper.log("------------Raw Data Done------------");

  // run stylizer
  if (styleObj) {
stylizer.createTable(reports, styleObj, wb, worksheets, cells);
  } else {
helper.log("Styles Object is Empty."); //TODO JMC add try-catches

  if (config.fileWriter) {
console.log("file written.");
return null;

  helper.log("------------Response------------\n" + wb);
  return wb;